Monday, December 11, 2017

Script to delete Data Definition and Template

Need to commit after running the script


run the following

delete from XDO_TEMPLATES_B where template_code = ‘template code’;
delete from XDO_TEMPLATES_TL where template_code = ‘template code’;
delete from xdo_lobs where lob_code = ‘template code’;
delete from XDO_DS_DEFINITIONS_TL where data_source_code = ‘data definition code’;
delete from XDO_DS_DEFINITIONS_b where data_source_code = ‘data definition code’;

How to get the query of LOV in oracle apps

Use the following Query:

SELECT (SELECT to_char(sql_fulltext) FROM v$sqlarea WHERE sql_id = ses.prev_sql_id)
FROM v$session ses,
     v$sqlarea sq
WHERE ses.module LIKE '%&form_name%'AND client_identifier = '&user_name'AND sq.sql_id(+) = ses.sql_id;

just change form name and the logged in user name and u must be open the form and the LOV contains data:

here is the output:

select hl.meaning , hl.lookup_code from hr_lookups hl where hl.lookup_type = 'TITLE' and hl.enabled_flag = 'Y' and :1 between nvl(hl.start_date_active,:2) and nvl(end_date_active,:3) order by hl.meaning

PO & PR reset script

Oracle provide script to reset PO / PR  Doc ID 1531095.1