Tuesday, July 2, 2019

PO & PR reset script

Oracle provide script to reset PO / PR Doc ID 1531095.1

Conditional Watermark in RTF in Oracle report

Oracle don't support conditional Water Mark in rtf.
so we can do following workaround:

1-Define CF_WMARK that returns required watermark value.

2- Define this watermark tag in rtf file

whatever the value in XML tag, it will show as watermark.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Script to delete Data Definition and Template

Need to commit after running the script


run the following

delete from XDO_TEMPLATES_B where template_code = ‘template code’;
delete from XDO_TEMPLATES_TL where template_code = ‘template code’;
delete from xdo_lobs where lob_code = ‘template code’;
delete from XDO_DS_DEFINITIONS_TL where data_source_code = ‘data definition code’;
delete from XDO_DS_DEFINITIONS_b where data_source_code = ‘data definition code’;

How to get the query of LOV in oracle apps

Use the following Query:

SELECT (SELECT to_char(sql_fulltext) FROM v$sqlarea WHERE sql_id = ses.prev_sql_id)
FROM v$session ses,
     v$sqlarea sq
WHERE ses.module LIKE '%&form_name%'AND client_identifier = '&user_name'AND sq.sql_id(+) = ses.sql_id;

just change form name and the logged in user name and u must be open the form and the LOV contains data:

here is the output:

select hl.meaning , hl.lookup_code from hr_lookups hl where hl.lookup_type = 'TITLE' and hl.enabled_flag = 'Y' and :1 between nvl(hl.start_date_active,:2) and nvl(end_date_active,:3) order by hl.meaning

PO & PR reset script

Oracle provide script to reset PO / PR  Doc ID 1531095.1